If you are interested in bringing a meditation program to your staff, rather than clients, use the form at our Connect Page.

Meditation For
Special Populations

Offering direct services to participants, or clients, in nonprofit service programs, or educational settings

Below are a few basics, please look this page over, and then use the Professional Services Page contact form if you would like to take the next steps.

An Easy Option

Your clients are welcome to try a free meditation at any time. Everyone, everywhere, is welcome to use our online level 1 meditation library without charge.

Refer clients to this link https://mindfulboston.com/this-months-meditation

You are welcome to play the audio aloud in client sessions, or group meetings, and do the meditations with your clients.

The teachers who lead Mindful Boston's free meditation audio have been trained in trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive mindfulness procedures. So the languaging of the audio recordings are pretty good in that regard compared to other random meditations you might find on youtube.


An Organizational Option

Bringing a Mindful Boston teacher into your organization requires enthusiastic participation from your organization’s administration. It's an investment of time and energy to create a mindfulness program that is effective for specific populations, especially if those populations have trauma histories. If you serve clients with trauma histories, your organization might want to partner with a hospital rather than a meditation studio.

Nonprofits usually work with our admin staff to get grant funding to develop their client programs.


Options for Professional Individuals

Our school offers training for professionals who offer direct services to clients.

Our media department can assist with producing a mediation album for your clients.

Our teachers can help you with curating meditation libraries for specific populations.

If you or one of your co-workers want to start training with Mindful Boston to become a meditation teacher, you are welcome to apply to our teacher training program. It's a great addition to your resume, and we could negotiate a way for your current work with your nonprofit to have overlapping responsibilities with a Mindful Boston internship.

Tuition fees would apply for the learning and classrooms you attend with Mindful Boston. You would need to commit to attending an MBSR or MBCT ~as a client~ as part of your training, and you would be required to develop a daily personal practice, which we would help you with.


Next Steps

If you would like to discuss any of these points further, use the contact form on our Professional Services page to submit your request or questions.


Thanks for your interest! We look forward to working with you.