Levels Of Interest

Our studio offers four subscription tiers, plus additional forum memberships. Let’s have tea!


Tier 1: “Free Guest Pass”



Follow the news with your free guest pass subscription to the newspaper.


Free practices, invites to Meditate-With-Me events, and links delivered to your inbox.


Tier 2: “Lab” Upgrades



Experiential learning.

Nonlinear pathways of progression.

Reading a newspaper about baseball can’t replace bringing a bat to the field.
The same is true for meditation.


Upgrade your subscription to Tier 2 to play with “lab” experiences. In addition to reading theories in the news, you get studio time.

Tier 2 members have access to lab/studio practices:

  • Interpersonal Mindfulness Labs

  • Podcasts, videos, audios, extended meditations.

  • Join at any time. Tier 2 includes all Tier 1 benefits.

Tier 3: Interventions & Immersions

  • Intermediate to advanced classroom learning.

  • Coaching. Consulting. Mentoring.

Workshop titles include: Work-Life Balance Immersion, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Living With Intention, Train The Trainer, Teaching Mindfulness.

  • Nonlinear pathways of progression, advanced level.


Tier 4: Mindfulness Teachers


Client Referral Network, Supervision, Apprenticeships, and Peer-Support.

From beginner-levels, through intermediate, and even meditation teacher training, start where you are. Join one of these subscription tiers and we can brainstorm during zoom meetings about what your next steps can be.

There are also meditation gifts you can give your friends.

Additional Forum Memberships:

Tier 6- Organizational Partnerships

Tier 7- Volunteers, staff, and interns.