General fees for Scholarship Participants

General fees for Scholarship Participants

from $10.00

Has Gena Bean approved a scholarship for you?

  • If yes, use this form to pay your scholarship fee.

  • If no, do not use this form.

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Background info about Mindful Boston Scholarships

Meditation has been part of the human search for wisdom for thousands of years. Since I did not develop it, I don't charge money for that part of what I do. I respect the teachings that I have received too much to pretend that I could copyright any of this stuff. What I do charge for is the logistics part, like covering the rental fees for the classrooms and administration, and giving myself a salary so that I can continue to do this work.

Based on honesty and transparency

I trust my students to contribute what they can. And in return, my students trust me too. 8)

Given that you understand your own financial picture better than I could, I trust you to decide what is a fair tuition fee to balance two things: 1) help me keep Mindful Boston's doors open and 2) give yourself access to the teachings. It's hard for me to describe how important it is to me that you have access to doing this work.

The Scholarships are loosely based on percentage of the full fee.

The drop in rate for each class of the Toolbox course is $25. So, if you choose a 100% scholarship, your fee is $0. And if you choose a 90% scholarship, your fee would be $2.50. But folks at a 90% rate usually choose to hand me an envelope with either $2 or $3 in it rather than deal with the quarters.

For an 80% scholarship -> you would pay $5 each class.

A 70% scholarship -> $7.50

A 60% scholarship -> $10

A 50% scholarship -> $12.50

A 40% scholarship -> $15

A 30% scholarship -> $17.50

A 20% scholarship -> $20

Thanks for asking about a scholarship. It's essential for the authenticity of my teaching to not turn anyone away because of money concerns.