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Living With The Seasons 101


The 101 Learning Series is part of our Level 1 free membership. Follow the 101 classrooms for getting on track, and staying on track, with consistent meditation practice.


Mindful Boston’s

Sustaining Meditation

Mindful Boston’s monthly 101 Meditation Audio Series follows natural cues for activity, work, play, and rest through the twelve months of the year.


The online audio components are free. Just sign up for the 101 Bulletin list to get access and reminders.

Learn more below, or see Upcoming Events.

Want help staying focused?
This calendar of seasonal awareness helps you to stay-the-course with your meditations.


Gift Options

See our gift shop to purchase hardcopies of the printed wall calendars that you can give as gifts, or use for your own practice.

How It Works

Mindful Boston’s teachers record guided audio for seasonal meditations (listed below). Additional events, and podcast audios are for discussing stress, and life, through the lens of meditation practice.

With this calendar format, you have access to fresh, relevant meditation guidance. As real life experiences unfold, the recordings are updated each month with expert suggestions for your practice. The companion in-person classrooms are part of the Keystone membership program.



Time For: A New Start

Another year has passed! Where did the time go?
— everybody on New Year's Day

Whenever you start your meditation practice is the right time.

January and February at our meditation studio includes a number of meditation and stress reduction programs for beginners and “re-booters” who want to take advantage of a new year’s boost.



Time For: Transitions

I’m just trying to muck my way through.
— April Showers

After the new year’s jumpstart has ebbed, how do you maintain and continue the practices?

During the cold early part of spring, Mindful Boston offers “tune up” forum topics. Post your quandaries to the Chat Forum, and we’ll talk it out.



Time For: Springing Forth

With the growing light, I feel a need to plant some new seeds.
— Spring Fever

When Boston’s weather is in that in-between place after the cold that froze your brain, but before the heat that saps your faculties, a lot can get done!

Attend the more in-depth level 3 programs in our Boston, Arlington and Cambridge locations.



Time For: Respecting All Of Your Needs

I need to play!
— The Inner Child

To think that a summer vacation is the best time to squeeze in even more work is to misunderstand what a vacation is for. Re-fuel your tank, even a car cannot run on empty.

Mindful Boston offers fun retreats during the summer months. July is sometimes in the Berkshire Mountains, August is sometimes on Cape Cod.



Time For:
Getting Back To Business

The kids are going back to school.
I’d like to learn something new.
— Autumn In the Air

Autumnal Boston is the perfect setting for opening to new ideas.
Our six-week Level 2 courses offer new skills-building.



Time For: Holiday Preparations

With these cooling temperatures...
can I chill out too? Can I go within?
— Pumpkin Spice

As holiday and family events dominate, there’s less time for meditation, yet the activities can bring more stress. If you have ever thought, I’m too stressed for stress reduction!” you are not alone.

Office Hours are on the first Sunday of the month. Use the community discussion forums to brainstorm your own strategies for self care and proper boundaries.

Also, Mindful Boston now offers gift certificates. Giving the gift of meditation could help your family chill out too…!



Time For: Hibernation

— Long Winters Nap

A coherent, well-rounded, plan of action requires acknowledging the need to lay low at times in addition to the need to be productive at other times of the cycle. By acknowledging the entirety of the growth cycle, including rest, sustainable productivity can happen without burning out.

There are no classrooms at Mindful Boston during the month of December.

We will see you in January for a boost of new year’s joy!




A sustainable approach

Anyone can benefit from planning for seasonal ebb and flow. Most businesses plan for the four tax quarters of the fiscal year. But our studio calendar takes it a step further.

Our teaching schedule accounts for a yearly pattern.

In a garden, the season of fruition might get all the attention. But the wider seasons of planting, harvest, renewal, compost, etc. are all important for a healthy garden system.

For our human systems, heeding the cyclical cues for activity, work, play, and rest, each in their proper time, leads to greater wellness.

Proper rest is built in.

Mindful Boston’s teaching calendar is a reminder of seasonal flux.

Mindful Boston offers a strategy for building up your skills with meditation, and for sticking with it over time.

Calendar-awareness helps you to plan appropriately for stick-to-it-iveness in your meditation cadence.