Office Hours (online)


— Jump on an “Office Hours” zoom call


As a school for meditation, Mindful Boston offers ways to connect with our teachers.

Office Hours happen about once a month. The format is a ten minute zoom call with three of our meditation teachers. Simply listen in, chat with our studio teaching staff, and/or bring your questions. Short meditation-mentoring options are available.

For 2023 2nd Quarter, we are planning for a few Tuesdays 6:30pm to 6:40pm. March 21, April 18, and May 16 are currently available.
Attend as many as you would like. Whatever you can make fit into your schedule is welcome.

Other ways to participant at Mindful Boston


— Classrooms And Memberships

a) Mindful Boston has meditation-school trainings for deepening mindfulness education.
b) And then also there is a bulletin that reminds you about our Monthly 101 calendar of meditations.


— First Sunday Classroom, each month

Join us at 3pm on the 1st Sunday of any month, online. Together, we listen to the “Living With The Seasons” 101 Meditation Series recording for that month. You are welcome to join in the chat. This is where we record our monthly classroom video. RSVP for zoom links.

Come to tea

We are starting some informal in-person events at our office in Cambridge MA USA.

The intention behind it all is to keep meditators connected and inspired with fresh tracks created by our local meditation teachers.

Our main 101 series discussion is hosted on zoom. (You are welcome to also use linkedin for comments.)


Mindful Boston, as a school for meditative arts, is here for your learning and growing as a meditator. Our senior teachers have developed the forum memberships to support you. Our school also has a training pathway for guidance.