First step…

Monthly 101

Monthly 101 Services

Description: The Monthly 101 Meditation is usually the first track on Mindful Boston’s monthly albums. It is always free. It’s not an exclusive for any membership because it is an essential service that Mindful Boston offers to everyone, everywhere. Some things are so important that they cannot be exclusive!

Everyone in our community does their best to do the Monthly 101 Meditation at least once at the start of the month. (Especially the teachers!) Doing this audio track keeps us all on the same page in our practices. Also, Office Hours are fun.


Next Steps…

Keystone Membership

Description: As a Keystone member, you have on-demand access to archives of past-issued 101 Meditations in your library. Those who have not yet subscribed to the Keystone Membership only have access to the current month’s 101 audio track.

Logged-in members can access their Keystone exclusives from the links listed below.


You get everything that the Monthly 101 subscribers get, plus a lot more!


Keystone Login Icon
Click the little “chess piece” icon any time you need to access your subscription account information.
You’ll find it at the top right hand side of your desktop. On your phone, it’s at the top left.

Below are descriptions of the Keystone-Members-Only index buttons on this site.
Logged-in members will see them at the top of the page.


Keystone Members’ Page 1
“Getting Started”

This is your on-boarding page. It describes the exclusive content you now have access to as a member, with instructions on how to use it.

Keystone Members’ Page 2
”Meditation-Of-The-Month” albums of guided Keystone meditation audio for you to listen to. Post comments so that the monthly themes can address your most immediate meditation concerns.

In general, each month you get a recorded classroom experience in the form of an album with meditation and podcast tracks. But sometimes you get even more cool stuff.

Keystone Members’ Page 3
A Members-Only Library of past meditations, curated by length. Looking to fit in 5mins of bodyscan? The Library is where you can find that guided meditation easily.

Keystone Members’ Page 4
“Tools” for meditators.
An index of helpful constructs. Your fellow Mindful Boston meditators have found these things useful for assisting with practice.

Keystone Meeting Schedule

Looking for a zoom link? Curious about when the next Keystone-only classroom happens? Look for Keystone-only content on the schedule page.


Not yet a Keystone Member?

You can sign up here.

Or go to the Keystone description page for more info.


 Want to support Mindful Boston’s work, yet you don’t want to subscribe to a membership? We have options for donations. Thank you!


Interested in further study, or professional training?

Mindful Boston offers 5 levels of learning, plus additional forum memberships.